United against cancer
It takes all of us
In this report, you will read about how your unwavering commitment has helped us save and improve the lives of people affected by cancer in 2022/23. Whether you are a donor, a volunteer, a partner organization, a researcher or a person touched by cancer – thank you for helping us change the future of cancer.
This year, guided by our bold strategic plan, we pursued innovative strategies to maximize impact for those we serve. Through initiatives such as CDL Cancer and the MaRS innovation challenge, we supported new solutions to cancer’s most difficult problems. We invested more than $50M in cancer research and innovation, supporting nearly 400 research projects and 131 new clinical trials.
We gave voice to people touched by cancer in our Get Better campaign and successfully advocated for policy changes including the extension of the Employment Insurance sickness benefit, which will provide 160,000+ people per year with more time to recover. We provided practical support including transportation and lodging to more than 80,000 people to ensure they could access their cancer care. We gave emotional support and reliable cancer information to over 16.5M people who needed us. Together, we raised $168.5M. We were thrilled to be back in person with so many community fundraising events for the first time in 2 years, galvanizing hundreds of thousands of supporters across Canada.
Our supporters showed up for the cancer cause in a big way in 2022/23 and we’re immensely thankful to our committed, generous and growing network of donors, researchers, patients, volunteers and partners. Together, we are transforming the future of cancer through investing in world class research, empowered advocacy and compassionate support services.

Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Cancer Society

Canadian Cancer Society

Canadian Cancer Society
A look back at last year @(Model.HeadingTag)>
A snapshot of our impact
At CCS, we aim to unite and inspire Canadians to take control of cancer. In 2022/23, nearly 560,000 donors, over 21,000 organizations and over 170,000 event participants and volunteers helped us invest $109.7M in our mission. Because of you, we’re making an impact for people living with or beyond cancer.

Research – Driving life-changing outcomes together
Our approach to funding scientifically excellent, high-performance research is improving cancer outcomes and addressing the greatest opportunities for progress. In 2022/23, we formed powerful new partnerships that enabled us to expand our research impact. In addition, we continued to put people at the core of cancer research by engaging an even broader network of people with lived cancer experience in every stage of the research funding process.
Photo: CCS-funded researcher Dr Morag Park (top) and Dr Constanza Martinez, radiation oncology resident at McGill University (bottom)

Thanks to our donors, we invested $50.1M in cancer research and innovation, which included:

CCS-funded researcher Dr Paul Oh
A few minutes with CCS-funded researcher, Dr Paul Oh, medical director of the cardiovascular disease prevention and rehabilitation program at the University Health Network.

I want to thank everyone who donates to cancer research. Your donations help create more tomorrows with the people we care about.

I support CCS-funded research because of their rigorous approach to research and their vital role in finding a cure and improving outcomes for people affected by cancer on a global scale.
Research stories
Innovating to accelerate solutions – CDL Cancer and MaRS
It can take decades for research discoveries to move from the lab into real-world applications that help people. To expedite this, we launched CDL Cancer, in partnership with the Creative Destruction Lab at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Business. This intensive program connects scientists who have game-changing ideas with experienced business mentors who can help bring those ideas to life.
We also partnered with North America’s largest innovation hub, MaRS, to launch Innovating for everyone: The colorectal cancer early detection challenge. This challenge aims to mobilize Canada’s innovation community to find ways to reduce barriers to early detection of colorectal cancer for underserved populations.
Information and Support – Helping people manage life with cancer with your support

With your support, we helped people cope with cancer, prevent cancer before it happens and build wellness and resilience. Because of you:

I felt so relieved that the wig was free, and that it wasn’t another expense I had to worry about. It was very close to my actual hair colour, length and style, which gave me confidence during a stressful time.

I support CCS, not only because cancer affects people of all ages, but also because CCS provides countless support services to all people affected by cancer, across the whole country!
Support stories
Advocacy – How your voice is inspiring action
As the voice for people in Canada who care about cancer, we take a stand on important cancer issues and champion change by working with the government at all levels to create a healthier society. In 2022/23, we remained laser-focused on advancing cancer priorities and improving cancer care by actively engaging hundreds of decision-makers and amplifying the voices of thousands of people to help change the future of cancer in new and compelling ways.
Photo: From left to right: Kathy MacNaughton, CCS advocate, Andrea Seale, CEO of CCS, the Hon. Carla Qualtrough, BC Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion

Together, our voices are powerful. Through our advocacy, governments at all levels are acting on the most pressing cancer prevention and health policy concerns. Thanks to you, we:

Get Better

Inspiring youth to continue learning about cancer-related issues will increase awareness and health literacy - ultimately leading to healthier outcomes in the future. Together, we can influence policies and laws that have a direct impact on our generation.

The future is in advocacy, and we need to support advocacy efforts as best as we can. If we want positive change in cancer care, we need to start by influencing the policies and funding provided at all levels of government.
Advocacy stories
Communities – Building stronger communities together

Last year, more than 170,000 participants, donors and volunteers helped raise $168.5M to accelerate our mission. Some event highlights include:

Volunteering with CCS allowed me to develop my character and gave me the opportunity to put my values into practice. I became more grateful for everything I have.

CIBC is proud to be part of CCS’s bold approach to funding innovative, world-leading research that is making life better today while transforming the future of cancer forever. Together as trusted partners, we’re helping to accelerate progress for all people affected by cancer in Canada, in all communities.
Community stories
Our donors @(headingTag)>

It’s very important for me to teach my son to give back when he's young and able. I want to pass this legacy on to him.
Our donor stories
Our partners

As a company committed to making a positive impact in our communities, Wheaton Precious Metals proudly supports CCS in their mission to improve the lives of those affected by cancer. Together, we can make a difference through research, support and advocacy.
Our board of directors @(headingTag)>
Your donations at work
Your unwavering support has made a powerful financial impact. Your donations enabled us to work toward our vision of championing world-leading outcomes in cancer prevention, treatment and support.
Download our financial statementsOur revenue
Thanks to our donors and supporters, we generated $168.5M in revenue through the following channels:
Our expenses
Of the $165.6M we spent, we invested toward:
Investments in our mission
Thanks to our donors, of the $109.7M we spent on our mission, we invested in: