For Peter Mallette, being a planned giving donor to the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) has a special meaning.
“I am living proof that cancer research saves lives,” says Peter. “That’s why I want to do everything I can to change the future of cancer for others and build a future where cancer doesn’t harm families like mine.”
Following his wedding, which he describes as one of the happiest days of his life, Peter was diagnosed with cancer, a disease that had led to the deaths of both his father and grandfather. Almost 2 decades after his diagnosis Peter is cancer free and grateful to people like you who have donated to cancer research – research that he credits with helping him through his cancer experience.
For this reason, Peter decided to include the CCS in his will. He knows first-hand the extraordinary impact CCS has on helping people with cancer live longer, fuller lives.
“For me, leaving a gift in my will to CCS was an empowering way to regain the control that my diagnosis had taken from me,” says Peter.
By making a planned gift you are part of a growing community that improves and saves lives for the nearly half of Canadians expected to be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Making a gift in your will is simple and you still retain control of your assets. You can bequeath cash, securities, property or even a percentage of your estate.
“Making my will was easy and straightforward,” says Peter. “The best part is the peace of mind it gave me when it was done because now, I know my wishes will be fulfilled and my legacy will transform lives.” He describes it as a way to honour his father, grandfather and other family members who did not have as positive an outcome from cancer as he did.
Peter believes leaving a gift in his will is a way for him to build a brighter future for everyone who is or will be facing a cancer diagnosis.
For more information about how to leave a gift in your will, please visit cancer.ca/plannedgiving.