Advanced cancer
Advanced cancer is defined as cancer that is unlikely to be cured. When a cure is unlikely, the focus of care shifts in physical, emotional and practical ways.

Accepting the diagnosis
Acceptance can help you take control of your life and focus on what is most important to you. You may come to appreciate life and find hope in unexpected ways.

Living with advanced cancer

Physical symptoms of advanced cancer
Your healthcare team can usually provide some comfort and relief for physical problems caused by advanced cancer. The symptoms depend on the type of cancer and where it has spread.

Choosing care and treatment for advanced cancer
Only you can make the health and personal care decisions that are right for you. It’s important that your loved ones and caregivers know what kind of care you want if there is a time when you can’t speak for yourself.

Living well and finding meaning
Living well and finding meaning are deeply personal. You may look back on your life or find enjoyment in the present. Whatever path you choose can bring peace and acceptance as you prepare for the future.
At the end of life
Talking about death and understanding what happens when we die can help reduce our fear and anxiety.