For researchers
Research Funding

Apply for funding

Application process

Managing your grant

Our Research Investments

Patient and community engagement for researchers

It takes a society
As the saying goes, ‘It takes a village.’ But to take on cancer, it takes more than a village. We believe it takes a society. It takes a community rallying together around a shared cause. It takes a society honours something that is deeply true about cancer: that it is big, and it is endlessly complex. And any kind of progress – better treatments, better care, better support – can only happen when we work together. Profound impact is possible when we combine our actions with the actions of others.
Our goal at the Canadian Cancer Society is to inspire people of all ages, from all backgrounds and all parts of the country to come together to take on cancer’s biggest issues.

Review panels and committees

Our research partners


Awards for Excellence in Cancer Research

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EGrAMS is the Electronic Grants Administration and Management System. This online application system is just one component of a comprehensive grant and award management system used by the Canadian Cancer Society. In addition to receiving applications, EGrAMS also facilitates the panel review process, application ranking and approval and the administration of grants and awards.
All components of an application are completed online. If required, third parties (e.g. Host Institution authority) are given limited access to the system in order to complete their portion of the application (e.g. provide approval on behalf of the Host Institution). Applicants can be assured that they have not missed required components of their application through the system’s validation process. This validation also extends to any requirements from third parties, such as Host Institution approval. Applicants are encouraged to start applications early, and validate sections as they are completed to ensure ease of submission by the deadline date.
We're here to help. For questions about our programs and policies, funded grants, general questions or concerns, contact us: research@cancer.ca