Maja Adolfo-Piwek is all too familiar with sudden change. One morning while getting ready for work, she felt a lump near her right breast and armpit. In February 2018, at 39 years old, Maja was diagnosed with stage 3C triple-negative metaplastic breast cancer.
After searching online to learn more about breast cancer, Maja discovered the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). Signing up for the CCS newsletter, she received information about the CCS CIBC Run for the Cure. Maja decided to take a chance and sign up for the Run later that year.
“I wanted to raise money for cancer because now it had a totally different meaning for me. I thought this was the perfect way for me to tell people why I’m participating in the CIBC Run for the Cure. That Run was my first time speaking out about my story and diagnosis,” Maja says.
Maja’s first Run experience in 2018 became an unforgettable one. “It was actually very overwhelming for me. I didn’t know how big the Run was, and it was very touching for me to be able to see a lot of people come out. It was the pink shirts that hit me. There were so many people wearing pink shirts…so many people who have also had breast cancer experiences.”
In 2019, Maja was presented the opportunity to speak at Run Day, coincidentally the same day she got the incredible news that she was in complete remission. Sharing her story became the most rewarding part of her Run participation because she knew she was able to give hope, a feeling she says she’ll never forget.
Today, Maja continues to participate and fundraise for CIBC Run for the Cure, spreading hope to others affected by breast cancer. By fundraising, Maja is able to support funding research for hard-to-treat breast cancers.
“Without funding, CCS won’t be able to have its programs to help people like me. People are still people, even with cancer.
Join us and thousands of others like Maja on Sunday, October 2, and help us create a future without breast cancer. Sign up and begin fundraising today at cibcrunforthecure.ca.