Dissatisfied? We would like to hear from you
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) attaches great importance to the quality of the services provided and its relationships with the various people involved with the organization. If you are not satisfied with our services or practices, we would like to hear from you. This will enable us to consider your experience and improve our practices as far as possible.
How to report your complaint?
Visit our Contact Us page.
Our cancer information specialists will be able to take note of your complaint and share it with the managers concerned. Note that all calls are confidential.
What will we do?
The nature of your complaint will be collected and brought to the attention of those responsible for the services or programs concerned. All information will be treated confidentially. At your request, the person in charge can call you back. We will then ask you to provide us with your contact information. If possible, we will take steps to remedy the situation quickly.