2024電視電話籌款活動 @(Model.HeadingTag)>
加拿大防癌協會電視電話籌款活動自1995年起,成爲華人社區中最有意義的慈善活動之一,今年是 第29屆電視電話籌款活動。非常高興我們在新的 一年能夠繼續與大家見面,分享癌症預防知識,傳 遞愛的故事。感謝新時代集團的大力支持,節目將 于4月13日晚8:30pm新時代電視 FTV1隆重播出,我們熱心的義工將全天侯接聽您的電話。
感谢我们的捐赠者和志愿者,讓我们能够资助对所 有类型的癌症进行突破性的研究,提供支援服务以 帮助罹患癌症的人们及其生活,制定健康政策以预 防癌症和支持患病者,并为所有加拿大人提供可靠 的癌症信息。加拿大防癌协会孜孜不倦地工作,以 改善全民健康的生活質素。
新春快樂 Happy Lunar New Year
请觀看我们首席执行官 Andrea Seale 的致辞。
请觀看我们首席执行官 Andrea Seale 的致辞。
Questions to ask when you have cancer
This booklet will help you in treatment keep track of important information such as test results, treatment cycles and side effects to report. It also suggests some questions to ask the healthcare team.
Clinical Trials
The brochure is for people making decisions about cancer treatment. You may be thinking about a clinical trial but need to know more before you decide.
Coping When You Have Cancer
The booklet is for people who are newly diagnosed or in active treatment for cancer.
Listen First: And 9 other ways to support someone with cancer
This brochure offers a checklist of ideas and ways to support someone with cancer.
Chemotherapy and Other Drug Therapies
This booklet was written to help you understand the different kinds of drug therapies used to treat cancer. Drug therapies – or treatments – include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and targeted therapy.
Radiation Therapy: A guide for people with cancer
This booklet was written for people who’ve been diagnosed with cancer and are about to start radiation therapy.
Eating Well When You Have Cancer
This booklet will help you eat well during cancer treatment and recovery. It's written for people with cancer and for caregivers helping with menus, food shopping and preparing meals.