Cancer of unknown primary
What is cancer of unknown primary?
Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) means that cancer is found in the body and it is difficult to tell where it started. CUP can be any one of many different types of cancer.
Risks for cancer of unknown primary
Things that increase your risk for cancer of unknown primary (CUP) include smoking tobacco, excess weight and the sun and indoor tanning equipment.
Symptoms of cancer of unknown primary
Common symptoms of cancer of unknown primary (CUP) are weight loss and fatigue. Learn more about the symptoms of CUP.
Diagnosis of cancer of unknown primary
Diagnosis is the process of finding the underlying cause of a health problem. The focus of diagnosis for cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is finding out the type of CUP, the primary site and all the places the cancer has spread.
Prognosis and survival for cancer of unknown primary
Prognosis estimates the outcome for cancer of unknown primary (CUP). It depends on many factors including where it is found in the body and the type of cancer cells.
Treatments for cancer of unknown primary
Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) can be treated with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy.
Supportive care for cancer of unknown primary
Supportive care helps people with the physical and emotional aspects of cancer of unknown primary (CUP). Learn to cope with the symptoms of CUP.
Cancer of unknown primary statistics
Cancer of unknown primary (CUP) is included in the statistics for all other and unspecified cancers. Learn about Canadian statistics for this cancer grouping.