Double your impact
Your donations by April 30 will be matched*
Until April 30, help hope bloom with a matched donation* @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Every 3 minutes someone in Canada hears the words, “You have cancer” – and their life changes forever. But there is hope. Help fund life-saving research, better treatments and a nationwide support system – to make life better today and transform the future of cancer.
Help hope bloom. Donate by April 30 and your donation will be matched*!

When I learned I had cancer, I kept wondering, will I be there for my kids?
– Cassidy, Breast cancer survivor
Your support will fund hope. Donations matched* until April 30.

Dr. Trevor Pugh
CCS funded researcher
*Undesignated donations matched up to a total of $170,000. Monthly research donations above $25 per month will be matched for an entire year, up to a total of $200,000.
Matching donations come from corporate, institutional and individual donors who agree to match donations to specific programs, in order to inspire others to give. Donors may also require CCS to raise matching funds as a condition of their support. In both cases, these matches allow for an even greater impact. For more information about matching, and our partners, please visit cancer.ca/matching. Your donation will support cancer research and compassionate support programs. In the event the donations raised exceed the total funding need, CCS will redirect funds to where needed the most.