Results of the June 2021 Atlantic Cancer Research Grants Competition - supported by the J.D. Irving, Limited — Excellence in Cancer Research Fund

We are pleased to announce the results of the Atlantic Cancer Research Grants (ACR-21) competition. The ACR program is a special Atlantic Canada call for operating grant applications from all areas of cancer research (e.g. biomedical, clinical, health services, and (psycho)social, cultural, environmental and population health research).
Of the 51 applications received by the June 23, 2021 deadline, 35 were reviewed by panel AC1 (biomedical research) and 16 were reviewed by panel AC2 (clinical, health services, (psycho)social, cultural, environmental and population health research). A total of 10 grants have been approved for funding – a 20% success rate, and a total investment of just over $2.8 million.
Funding for 8 grants was provided by the J.D. Irving, Limited — Excellence in Cancer Research Fund. In addition to operating grants, the Fund is also supporting trainees enrolled in the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute’s (BHCRI) Cancer Research Training Program (CRTP).
Additional funding has been provided by CCS and the Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation.
*Update - February 2022:
As a result of strong
fundraising results, CCS was able to fund an additional grant in partnership
with the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute. This brings the success rate for this competition up to 22%, and the full investment in this program up to $3.09M. This additional grant is not reflected in the competition data below.
Geographical breakdown @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by research area @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by cancer type @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Competition results by self-reported pronouns @(Model.HeadingTag)>
In keeping with the Privacy Act, data where n <5 five is not published to protect the privacy of respondents. As such, competition results by self-reported pronouns are not available for the Atlantic Cancer Research Grants program.
Abstracts of ACR-21 projects @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Please note:
- Amounts listed below represent the total dollars awarded and may include funds for salaries, supplies, and equipment.
- The start date for these grants is November 1, 2021.
- Only the Principal Investigator is named in this listing. Co-Principal Investigators, Co-Applicants, and/or Additional Authors may also be associated with these grants.
Below is a list of newly awarded ACR grants.
Note Carefully:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.
Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.
Dalhousie University
Genetics, infiltration and immunity: are natural killer cells the missing link in pancreatic cancer
2022/2023 $100,000
2023/2024 $100,000
Dalhousie University
The impact of Resistance ExerciSe on muscle mass in GlIoblaSToma survivors (RESIST)
2022/2023 $79,588
2023/2024 $75,533
Dalhousie University
Assessing the role of the blood microbiome on cancer prediction: a focus on Atlantic Canadians
2022/2023 $99,995
2023/2024 $99,640
*Makrigiannis, Andrew
Dalhousie University
Genetically defining memory natural killer cells in breast cancer
2021/2022 $99,865
2022/2023 $99,943
2023/2024 $99,281
Dalhousie University
Identification of new breast cancer biomarkers in Black women
2022/2023 $100,000
2023/2024 $100,000
Dalhousie University
A new approach to ovarian cancer immunotherapy using mast cell mediated delivery
2022/2023 $98,480
2023/2024 $98,480
University of Prince Edward Island
Downstream effectors of serine biosynthesis pathway metabolites as novel targets in triple negative breast
2022/2023 $100,000
2023/2024 $100,000
Université de Moncton
Identification of immune checkpoint inhibitor response profiles in plasma EV liquid biopsy for lung cancer
2022/2023 $99,840
2023/2024 $99,400
Dalhousie University
Cancer prevention potential in Atlantic Canada informing local actions on lifestyle, equity and risk
2022/2023 $98,615
2023/2024 $99,492
Dalhousie University
Developing and testing more personalized care pathways for cancer survivors after treatment
2022/2023 $95,154
2023/2024 $93,496
Dalhousie University
Role of the novel plasminogen receptor, calreticulin in oncogenesis
2022/2023 $100,000
2023/2024 $100,000
Last modified on: November 5, 2021