Results of the January 2022 Data Transformation Grants competition

We are pleased to announce the results of the CCS Data Transformation Grants (Data-22) competition. CCS is contributing to the development of a pan-Canadian data strategy to improve cancer data in Canada. As part of this development work, the Data-22 program was launched to support short-term projects that demonstrate potential solutions that can be scaled and sustained. This program is supporting novel approaches to address concerns related to accessibility, completeness, quality, and/or timeliness of cancer data in Canada.
30 abstracts were received by the November 8, 2021 registration deadline and 28 were invited to submit a full application based on relevance review. Of the 28 full applications received by the January 17 deadline, 15 have been approved for funding - 54% of all full applications received. These projects total over $1.8 million in funding over the full term of these grants.
Geographical breakdown @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Investment by cancer type @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Competition results by gender indentity @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Abstracts of Data Transformation Grants Projects @(headingTag)>
Please note:
- Amounts listed below represent the total dollars awarded and may include funds for salaries, supplies, and equipment.
- The start date for these grants is March 15, 2022
- Only the Principal Investigator is named in this listing. Co-Principal Investigators, Co-Applicants, and/or Additional Authors, Knowledge Users, and/or Survivors/Caregivers may also be associated with these grants.
Below is a list of newly awarded Data Transformation grants.
Note Carefully:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.
Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency - Saskatoon Cancer Centre
Improving Data Access and Timeliness of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control Quality Indicators in Saskatchewan
University of Calgary
Developing a Canadian Cancer Statistics Data Dashboard
University of Manitoba
Capturing cancer progression in electronic medical records using deep learning
Laval University
Linking clinical, research and imaging data in lung cancer: towards FAIR and AIready datasets
Newfoundland Cancer Clinic
Transforming cancer care data in NL: Leveraging lessons and data processes from population based screening programs across the cancer care continuum.
CHEO Research Institute
Synthetic Data Generation to Enable Rapid and Broad Access to 3 Large Clinical Trial Datasets
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre UHN
McGill University
RENATA: A web platform integrating clinical, molecular and drug response data for breast cancer
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre UHN
Phenomic Liquid Biopsy Resource
University of Calgary
Automation to support quality and completeness of radiation medicine data
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre UHN
Unlocking our data: Creation of a Robust Dataset for the Real-World Clinical and Economic Evaluation of Lymphoma Management
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Federated Data Access Committees for Harmonised Pan-Canadian Cancer Data Management
Dalhousie University
Harnessing the power of linked data to understand cancer and its outcomes: a national linkage project
University of Calgary
Building Pipeline to Transform Real-world data to Evidence to Improve Cancer Care
London Health Sciences Centre Research Inc.
PSMA Data Base (PDB)
Last modified on: March 29, 2022