Results of the 2023 Emerging Scholar Research Grants Competition
By making a significant investment in the advancement of emerging scholars, CCS aims to strengthen the future of the cancer research ecosystem in Canada. This opportunity aims at establishing and advancing promising early career investigators from across Canada with a focused commitment to undertaking cancer research. Through the CCS Emerging Scholar Research Grants, early career investigators will develop their cancer research programs in Canada and pursue important scientific advances of the highest quality and potential for impact across the four pillars of health research (biomedical; clinical; health services; and social, cultural, environmental & population health).
We are pleased to announce the results of the 2023 Emerging Scholar Research Grants competitions. @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Prevent - fewer people in Canada will develop cancer
Detect - fewer people will be diagnosed with Stage 3 or Stage 4 cancer
Care - people with cancer will live longer and with improved quality of life during and after treatment
Champion - equitable and timely access to innovative and affordable high-quality care for more people in Canada
2023 Emerging Scholar Research Grants Recipients
Note Carefully:
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the listing below, this list does not constitute an "official" notification.
Successful applicants have been informed, in writing, with an official Notification of Award giving the details pertaining to their grant.