Results of the 2023 Workplace Cancer Research Grants Competition
Workplaces can pose a significant risk to health through repeated exposure to carcinogens and other risks, including asbestos, solar UV, diesel exhaust, crystalline silica, radon, and shift work. Every year, an estimated 10,000 Canadian workers are diagnosed with occupation-related cancers, but workplace cancer research comprises less than 1% of cancer research funding in Canada.
CCS Workplace Cancer Research Grants of up to $200k over 2 years were made available to support game-changing cancer research that will uncover new knowledge and fill existing gaps to drive risk-reduction and cancer prevention efforts for workers in Canada.
We are pleased to announce the results of the 2023 Workplace Cancer Research Grants competition:

In 2021, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) embarked on a unique fundraising mission – to engage and work with partners in healthcare, business, industry and labour unions to raise funds that would have a meaningful impact on worker health and safety through the Workplace Cancer Research Fund. Current partners include:
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Union of Public Employees
International Union of Operating Engineers
Labourers International Union of North America
National Union of Public and General Employees
NL Teachers Association
Union of Taxation Employees - Public Service Alliance of Canada
United Food and Commercial Workers Union
United Steelworkers District 6
Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
WorkSafe BC
WorkSafe Saskatchewan