Results of the 2023 Challenge Grants Competition
The grants provided through the 2023 Challenge Grants Competition support cancer research projects across the cancer continuum and across disciplines, with an ultimate goal of solving a problem (i.e. a “challenge”) in cancer that is meaningful to people affected by or at risk of cancer. Applications from the four pillars of health research (biomedical; clinical; health services; and social, cultural, environmental, and population health) were welcomed.
We are pleased to announce the results of the 2023 CCS Challenge Grants competition:

Expert Review Process@(headingTag)>
2023 Challenge Grants Competition Projects@(headingTag)>
Prevent - fewer people in Canada will develop cancer
Detect - fewer people will be diagnosed with Stage 3 or Stage 4 cancer
Care - people with cancer will live longer and with improved quality of life during and after treatment
Champion - equitable and timely access to innovative and affordable high-quality care for more people in Canada