Impact grants
Note that this program is not currently being offered. For information only.
Please see the eligibility and requirements section prior to creating an application.
Application guides can be found on the EGrAMS documentation for applicants page.
Program description@(headingTag)>
The Impact Grant program supports significant progression in cancer research programs that are anywhere in the continuum from basic, high impact discovery to translational work of direct relevance to the clinic, to applied research. Impact Grants aim to accelerate and focus the knowledge gained from scientific findings, in the short- to medium-term, into outcomes that will:
- significantly improve scientific knowledge relevant to cancer;
- result in improved cancer treatment;
- result in optimized care of people living with and beyond cancer;
- result in reduced cancer burden.
Impact Grants provide funding to support ideas that promote major advancements in research programs, whether at the fundamental discovery stage (such as studies involving model organisms that demonstrate potential for impact) through to applied research (such as patient or population-based proposals). Applications are encouraged from, but not limited to, the areas of biomedical, clinical, health services, and social and population health research.
Impact grants are not intended to support incremental scientific advances and are not intended to solely support research infrastructure.
Impact grants have been created to cultivate and support programs in cancer research that have the potential to significantly impact the burden of disease in patients and populations. The goal of the CCS Research Impact Grant program is to provide a mechanism for scientists to accelerate the application of new knowledge and apply innovations to address important problems in cancer research and care.Funds available
There is one competition per year. It is anticipated that approximately 10 grants will be awarded in this competition.
Special funding calls within the Impact Grant competition envelope:
- Applications relevant to prostate cancer research are encouraged
- Applications relevant to pediatric cancer research are encouraged
- Applications relevant to breast cancer research are encouraged
- Applications relevant to cancer prevention are encouraged
- Applications relevant to cancer survivorship are encouraged
Additional funds may be available from the Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation to support projects focused on the application of complementary and alternative approaches in cancer treatment and control.
Note: Budgets awarded will not exceed $300,000 per year, to a maximum of $1,500,000 per grant. The grant term is up to 5 years. Grants will be renewable at the end of their term.
Funding will be provided to support the direct costs of a defined research program, including supplies, expenses, wages and equipment associated with the proposed work. Indirect costs will not be considered eligible expenses. Equipment requests of up to $150,000 can be included within the proposed budget.