Celebrating our volunteers
The work that we do is only possible because of the passion and dedication from our incredible community of volunteers across the country!
From coast to coast, our generous volunteers give their time and share their skills to help make a real difference for the hundreds of thousands of Canadians impacted by cancer.
For every supportive conversation with a client, for every dollar raised in the community, for every memorable event created and so much more, we thank and recognize our volunteers.
Volunteers have been trusted partners since the founding of the Canadian Cancer Society.
Here are just a few of our committed and inspiring volunteers.

Volunteer stories

Meet Jujhar, a volunteer for over 3 years
When Jujhar started volunteering with the Canadian Cancer Society, it was his first-ever experience as a volunteer! He started off by volunteering for the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life in his community, eventually becoming a leader on the volunteer-driven organizing committee! Our Relay committees across the country play such an important role in uniting Canadians in an event that celebrates and honours those affected by cancer and raises funds to help change the future of cancer.
Now, 3 years later, Jujhar continues to be a leadership volunteer on the Relay Committee and has also joined the team at Kordyban Lodge in Prince George, BC – a home away from home for people who need to travel outside their community to receive cancer treatment.
“What you do, no matter how small, makes such a huge difference,” shares Jujhar. “I’ve met people who’ve dropped everything and left their family because they had to travel for treatment. They were frightened and didn’t know what to expect when they arrived at the lodge. But all the volunteers and the Canadian Cancer Society services make everything so much better for them.”

Meet Lucie, a volunteer for over 10 years
Like Jujhar, Lucie found her start with the Canadian Cancer Society as a volunteer for Relay For Life. And for more than 10 years now, Lucie has continued to give back through Relay and leads the organizing committee in Portneuf, Quebec.
For many people like her, Relay is so much more than a fundraising event – it’s a chance to send a powerful message of solidarity to your community. It’s an opportunity to prove that together, we are bigger than cancer.
“To me, Relay is the most unifying event – it allows me to feel close to my community and to provide a deep sense of support to those with cancer and their loved ones,” shares Lucie.
Every year, we see how impactful our Relay events are, and it’s thanks to the passion and actions of people like Lucie, who help us change lives for years to come.
“I sincerely believe that one day, we will no longer have to fear cancer,” says Lucie.

Meet Mike, a volunteer for over 7 years
At the Canadian Cancer Society, we believe one child with cancer is too many. Joined by passionate Canadians who share this belief, events like the Cops for Cancer Tours across BC and Ontario bring community members together to cheer on first responders as they cycle to raise funds for childhood cancer research and support services.
These events of endurance inspire so many, including people like Mike. With the cancer cause already close to his heart, he saw volunteering with Cops for Cancer as a way to give back.
“I became involved in 2013 after making a personal pledge to give back and thank the vast network of doctors, organizations and support people who helped my father survive cancer,” shares Mike.
We are very fortunate that many of our volunteers extend their involvement beyond their volunteer role and are participants, donors or even sponsors.
For the last 7 years, Mike has gone above and beyond as a dedicated committee volunteer, guest rider and corporate community partner. By engaging his workplace and community, Mike has helped raise over $100,000 for our life-changing childhood cancer research and programs that help children and families find the information, support and care they need.

Meet Sheryl, a volunteer for over 18 years
In 2002, after her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, Sheryl was determined to make a difference and decided to volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society.
Eighteen years later, Sheryl has honed her skills and shared her expertise in a variety of volunteer roles – so many that she’s even lost count! From supporting the successful planning of her community’s Relay event, to helping raise awareness and funds during our annual Daffodil Campaign, to leading educational outreach – Sheryl brings a passion and commitment that inspires all of us and the people she meets.
As a long-time volunteer, Sheryl sees how motivating it is to be part of a nationwide network of volunteers who believe, like we do, in transforming the future of cancer forever.
“I am but one voice, one face, of 71,000 volunteers across Canada, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without those who began before me,” says Sheryl. “These fellow volunteers showed me dedication, hard work, reliability – all for one cause: cancer. Thank you for showing me and others what it is like to volunteer and be a part of something great.”

Meet Bob: Growing every day and looking forward to tomorrow
Throughout the 1980’s, Bob drove his classic convertible up and down University Avenue and Yonge Street when he participated in the annual Daffodil Parade. When the parade was cancelled however, he felt lost without any volunteering duties and decided to learn how else he could get involved with CCS.
Bob applied to be a driver for Wheels of Hope, a program where volunteers help ensure that cancer patients have safe and reliable transportation to their appointments. He discovered it was the perfect role for him, and now, he is excited to get out of bed every day to give out acts of kindness to people who need them.
Bob hopes there are many other people interested in driving for Wheels of Hope because being able to connect with clients has been very rewarding for him. “My advice is to watch the people you drive — because you might meet someone who will change your outlook on life. Without the Wheels of Hope program, I don’t know how different I would be today. It keeps me growing and looking forward to tomorrow.”

Meet Denise: Sharing joy and offering comfort for people on cancer journeys
Denise has volunteered in the wig room of the Montreal Lodge since March 2018, where she helps complete requests and make choices for clients.
Over the years, people on cancer journeys have been overwhelmed by the warmth and care Denise has brought them. And for Denise, she has been left with many wonderful moments to look back on. “One of my best memories is the reaction of a lady on the phone who was shouting with joy because she was so satisfied and happy. That moment will stay with me for a long time.”
She is proud that she can be an empathetic presence and provide encouragement and comfort to people in need. She has since recruited three other volunteers and would recommend the experience to anyone.
“Working with other kind and compassionate team members makes the environment here very pleasant. I enjoy coming back to do my volunteer work because it makes me feel better as a person.”