Jimmy Chan and Felicia Fu live by a motto: it is better to give than to receive. This principle has been the driving force behind their support of the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) for more than a decade.
“When I started working in Canada in 1975, I was only making $3 an hour. I worked in tiling and still do today,” says Jimmy. “My belief is that using your heart and persevering can bring you success.”
Jimmy also believes support from the local community has fueled the success of the couple’s tile contracting company, National Tile – and giving back allows him to show his appreciation.
“I donate to CCS to recognize how much this community has given me,” he says.

Jimmy and Felicia’s support of the Centre for Cancer Prevention and Support has helped drive innovative research and programs that address both ends of the cancer continuum – preventing cancer before it happens and addressing the challenges of life after cancer. More than 200,000 Canadians are diagnosed with cancer each year, and while survival rates are better than ever, over 70% of cancer survivors will experience significant physical and emotional challenges after treatment.
The couple’s shared values – commitment, empathy, perseverance and responsibility – have led them to prioritize giving continuously and without condition. For Felicia and Jimmy, giving back means donating what you can, when you can.
“Share just a little bit, whatever you’re comfortable with,” says Felicia. “And it’s not just donating financially. It could be giving back physically or mentally as a volunteer.”
Jimmy and Felicia have taught the value of philanthropy to their young son, Riley, who has already participated in multiple CCS fundraising campaigns. In addition to National Tile’s support of the annual Asian Giving Telethon, Felicia and Riley volunteer at the event to raise awareness for cancer prevention, provide targeted support in many languages with interpreter services, and change lives through collective research, advocacy and education efforts. Over the last couple of years, with the help of supporters like Jimmy, Felicia and Riley, the telethon has raised more than $425,000.
“It’s very important for me to teach my son to give back when he's young and able,” says Jimmy, who hopes his son’s philanthropic efforts will encourage other young people to get involved. “I want to pass this legacy on to him.”