Get Better cards for prostate cancer care
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Get Better cards for prostate cancer care

Sign up to inspire change as we call on governments to improve prostate cancer care across Canada.

You send a get well card to show someone facing cancer that you care. But what if you want to do more? What if you want to improve their care?


With 1 in 8 Canadian men expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, it’s crucial that we act now to address the gaps and vulnerabilities in our cancer care system. 


Create a Get Better card and share your story of the challenges you or your loved one faced with accessing prostate cancer care below. We’ll print your card, gather it with others and deliver them to elected officials – sending a powerful message to help cancer care Get Better from coast to coast to coast.

Create your card

Maximum length of this answer is 255 characters
By submitting your card, you understand that CCS will deliver the information that you provide to elected officials who may use your name and statements to advocate for better cancer care in Canada.  You further understand that you are also subscribing to receive mail, email and telephone updates from CCS. We'll keep you informed on our efforts to shape healthy public policies, fund research breakthroughs, provide compassionate support programs and ways that you can help further.
The Canadian Cancer Society is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We will collect and use your personal information for the purposes identified above, or as required by law. Your personal information will not be sold or traded with other organizations. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting Donor Care at 1-888-939-3333 or at For more information about our privacy practices, view our privacy policy.