In 2012, Dianne was feeling sick on and off for a month. She thought it was only the flu, but when she had a colonoscopy done, it became clear it was something more serious.
She was referred to another doctor who gave her the news that she had stage 3 colorectal cancer. Dianne was shocked – she was only 40 years old, lived a healthy lifestyle and didn’t know anyone else who had been diagnosed with this type of cancer.
Wanting to better understand her diagnosis and what to expect as she began her cancer journey, she turned to our website. Here, Dianne found information about colorectal cancer and treatment options – which helped relieve her anxieties.
“When you first get your diagnosis and start treatment, there’s just so much going on and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed,” shares Dianne. “ provided me with information that helped ease some of my worries.”

Giving back through the Daffodil Campaign @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Thankfully, Dianne’s treatment was successful and she made a full recovery. After her experience, she knew just how challenging a cancer diagnosis could be for the person facing it, as well as their loved ones – which is why she decided to give back and support other Canadians affected by cancer. She signed up as a volunteer during our Daffodil Campaign and sold daffodil pins throughout April to raise funds and awareness for the cancer cause.
“I want other people that are going through the same journey I went through to know that they’re not alone,” shares Dianne. “I survived my diagnosis, and it’s my hope that I can help others do the same.”

Every spring, the Canadian Cancer Society's Daffodil Campaign rallies Canadians to support and remember people affected by cancer. The daffodil is resilient – it is the first flower to bloom in the spring and for those living with cancer, it is a symbol of strength, courage and hope.
With your support, we can continue to provide trusted information to Canadians like Dianne and ensure that no one face cancer alone. This spring, help hope bloom for people affected by cancer.