
Introducing new board of directors

Our national board of directors is a pan-Canadian group of leaders who bring a wealth of knowledge and cross-sector expertise to CCS. Our board members are volunteers who play a vital role in establishing our strategic priorities and in maintaining governance and public accountability for CCS. We are fortunate to have their guidance as we work towards our ambitious goals!

We are pleased to welcome 6 new members to our board of directors: Manon Boisclair, Dr Eshwar Kumar, Lauren MacDonald, Cindy Morton, Tony Ritlop and Dr Stephen Robbins.

Christopher Wein and Shachi Kurl, who were appointed by the board as co-chairs last year, will continue in these roles for another year.

In addition to these changes, 7 members have retired from our board including Dr Nadine Caron, Philippe Couillard, Diane Gosselin, Dr David Huntsman, Yolande James, Susan McPeak and Valerie Steele. We want to thank them for their leadership and support over the last few years and wish them well.

We look forward to working with our new and returning board members to continue driving our strategic plan forward and uniting and inspiring all Canadians to take control of cancer.

To learn more about our board of directors and the new members, please visit our board page here.