CCS Research Training Awards
In partnership with @(Model.HeadingTag)>

Program summary
*Note: The term "Black" refers to people of Black African descent, which includes those who identify as Black Africans, and those found worldwide who identify as descendants of Black African peoples in the Diaspora (1, 2, 3). The term “Indigenous” refers to people who identify as First Nations, Inuit, Innu or Métis in Canada (4, 5).
NEW: Frequently Asked Questions For Research Training Awards
Important Dates for Master's and PhD students
Important Dates for Postdoctoral Fellows
Background and context @(Model.HeadingTag)>
The next generation of cancer researchers is a critical component for growth and innovation in cancer research. One call to action for the Canadian Cancer Research Alliance is to develop initiatives to build a diverse cancer researcher workforce and to look for ways to improve supports offered to trainees. CCS and its partners are working to develop and implement a new, holistic system of funding and support for trainees at the Master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral level. We also recognize that systemic and structural racism and discrimination experienced by diverse groups of trainees negatively affects both trainees and the cancer research ecosystem. CCS and its partners aim to address racism and discrimination in multiple ways including through equitable research policies and practices, for example our Inclusive Excellence Research Action Plan and our Health Equity Research Grants. This opportunity will support cancer research training and foster innovation in cancer research through a comprehensive approach including mentorship, training, and knowledge-sharing. While this iteration of the award focuses on Master’s, PhD and postdoctoral fellows, training awards for undergraduates will be offered later this year.
Specific Objectives:
- To support the next generation of cancer researchers in Canada and foster long term connections within the cancer research ecosystem
- To build capacity in the cancer research system through an equity seeking lens and to foster a more inclusive research environment
- To fund a diverse group of trainees across a range of training levels and cancer research areas
- To enhance the training experience and innovation in cancer research through exposure to other disciplines, knowledge translation, engagement, and mentorship opportunities
Program description @(Model.HeadingTag)>
The Research Training Awards are available to individuals pursuing Master’s, PhD, and postdoctoral level training at an eligible Canadian academic institution. CCS and its partners seek to support capacity in cancer research in all research pillars (i.e., biomedical; clinical; health services; and social, cultural, environmental and population health). This broad investment in the next generation is aimed at seeding the potential for future solutions and innovations in cancer research and cancer care.The Research Training Awards will support competitive, scientifically excellent applications for training in all areas of cancer research.
To increase diverse representation in our cancer research ecosystem, we support and encourage Black and Indigenous trainees to apply. Other eligible scholars in training are welcome to apply. As part of our Inclusive Excellence Action Plan, CCS requires all applicants to research competitions to complete a self-identification questionnaire as part of their application. These data help us to understand the impact of our efforts to be more relevant to diverse applicants in our funding calls. The information obtained from the questionnaire is kept confidential and access to data is limited to designated CCS staff. De-identified competition-specific data will be extracted for internal analysis and action.
We anticipate that this funding opportunity will be recurring and will incorporate learnings from the 2023 funding opportunity and other sources into future iterations of these awards. Each round of the Research Training Awards competition may target specific underrepresented groups to help reduce discrimination and inequity and support the full participation of talented individuals in building the next generation of cancer researchers.
Eligibility @(Model.HeadingTag)>
For all levels of training, applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or Indigenous (First nations, Inuit and Métis). International trainees are not eligible to apply currently. Applicants applying to the Master’s or Doctoral level of funding must be enrolled in or have applied to a graduate program with a significant research component** at the master’s or doctoral level at a Canadian institution. Joint programs with a professional degree (for example, MD/PhD) as well as clinically oriented programs of study are eligible if they have a significant autonomous research component. The years of support requested must not exceed the estimated years remaining within the program. Applicants applying to the postdoctoral level of funding must be trainees (may not hold an academic appointment at an institution) and must maintain such status throughout the duration of the award. The main focus of their time should be dedicated to the proposed research training throughout the tenure of the award.
**Note: An eligible graduate program must include a significant research component such as: a thesis, major research project, dissertation, scholarly publication, performance, major essay, recital and/or exhibit that is merit/expert-reviewed at the institutional level as a requirement for completion of the program.
Applicants may choose to engage in any type of research, including community-based research. In that situation, co-supervisors (academic and community-based) may be justified. Applications from all four pillars of health research (i.e., biomedical; clinical; health services; and social, cultural, environmental and population health) are eligible. Applicants are encouraged to engage relevant stakeholders in their proposed research including individual and community-level partners such as First Nations, Inuit, Métis and urban Indigenous communities and organizations, Black communities, racialized communities, and people with lived experience. Trainees are expected to participate in CCS-led workshops and opportunities that will facilitate learning and connection to people with lived experience in their research.
The application should include:
- A research project;
- A professional development plan;
- An experience statement;
- Transcripts or Curriculum Vitae (CV);
- Two letters of commitment / support;
- Postdoctoral fellows- an additional document detailing career plans and leadership skills and activities.
See below for a full description of the application sections.
Funds available @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Funding will be available according to the following funding table (maximum amounts described- awards may be pro-rated for part-time students and those holding other eligible research awards):

- Approximately $5M may be awarded in this competition. This amount may be increased if additional funds become available from CCS or through partnerships.
- We support and encourage Black and Indigenous applicants to apply.
- Research Training Award amounts are for stipend support, other than the Training Budget (see below). Stipends awarded will not exceed the maximum amount and duration listed above.
- The Research Training Award includes a separate training budget to support cross-disciplinary training of the awardee. Only expenditures related to training may be purchased or expensed using the training budget. The training budget can also be used to support mentorship with mentors outside of academia (community, patients, caregivers, business leaders, etc.), including remuneration for mentors. Tuition for the main program of study, equipment or supplies for ongoing research are ineligible expenses. The training budget is to be managed by the successful applicant, while complying with any institutional policies (i.e., that may require supervisor sign-off or other restrictions).
Note*: Successful applications must fall within the fundable range for CCS grants (>3.5).
How to apply @(Model.HeadingTag)>
Consult CCS eligibility and requirements. Review CCS requirements for Principal Investigators, their teams, and Host Institutions.