Relay For Life

About Relay For Life
For over 20 years, Relay supporters have helped us provide hope to those with cancer in our communities. And now more than ever, we know that those affected by cancer need our support.
Together, we can show Canadians with cancer that they don’t have to go through their journey alone – we’re here every step of the way.

Why we Relay
When you join Relay, you’re helping us improve survival rates and the quality of life of people with cancer across the country. Thanks to you, we can:

Thank you for supporting Relay For Life
Because of you, we can support Canadians affected by all cancers, and we can fund groundbreaking research that will help those living with and beyond cancer.

Join Relay For Life Youth
Relay For Life Youth brings school communities together and empowers students to be leaders. Join Relay at your school and help us prove that together, we are bigger than cancer.

Learn more about Relay For Life Camp Edition

"The best part of Relay For Life is the reward of seeing so many people of so many different backgrounds and personalities come together for a common cause that means so much to us. There is always this feeling of comfort knowing that we are not alone in changing the face of cancer!"
- Andrew
Donate to Relay For Life
Help us transform the future of cancer. Donate to a participant or team at Relay For Life to show your support today.