Each year, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) CIBC Run for the Cure brings together passionate volunteers who bring the Run to life each year – whether in person or virtually. After 2 years of virtual events and celebrations, volunteers like Janet Dixie from Red Deer, Alberta, are excited that this year’s Run is back to in-person.
“The most rewarding part is seeing everyone together and knowing that at this very moment everyone has the same reason for being here,” says Janet.
This year will be Janet’s 5th year volunteering for the CIBC Run for the Cure. Acting as Run Director, part of Janet’s role is building relationships with fellow volunteers and working alongside other Run Directors to create a successful event.
Taking on this role gave Janet a chance to be more involved in an event near and dear to her heart. “I found CCS advertising online and thought this is my chance to be part of the behind the scenes. What I did not anticipate was the community I would become a part of and the friends I have made with CCS staff, co-volunteers and participants.”
For Janet, volunteering is a rewarding experience that she looks forward to each year and she encourages others in her community to get involved.
There are dozens of volunteer positions in 48 communities across Canada that suit different interests and skills. From cheering on runners along the route, to coordinating t-shirt pick up and registration, there is something for everyone.
“To change someone’s experience with cancer, all it takes is one volunteer,” says Janet. “When you choose to sign-up as a volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society, you become part of an empowering community that leads with care, consideration and motivation to make a difference. It’s a beautiful thing.”
Help change the future of breast cancer and volunteer for this year’s CIBC Run for the Cure on Sunday, October 2, 2022! Sign up today - check out the exciting volunteer opportunities here or email volunteer@cancer.ca for more information.