Through your investment in CCS-funded research, there may be new hope for people facing acute leukemia.
This type of leukemia often has a sudden onset and requires intense treatment that has many side effects. The anxiety can be overwhelming, and the multiple physical symptoms caused by the disease and the treatment can affect quality of life during treatment and after.
With funding from CCS, Dr Gary Rodin and his colleague Dr Camilla Zimmermann have developed an emotion- and symptom-focused intervention to reduce and prevent suffering of people with acute leukemia and to improve their quality of life. Thanks to your support, this is currently being tested in a clinical trial involving multiple centres in Canada.
This promising research has the potential to transform care for people living with acute leukemia.
Thanks to donors like you, in the last 15 years CCS has invested $65.7 million in blood cancer research. This investment is paying off: survival for blood cancers has increased more than any other cancer type since the early 1990s. Together, we will continue to make important strides in improving and saving the lives of people with blood cancers.