
Your donation will be matched* Match

Donate monthly to double your impact all year long.

Help hope bloom with your monthly gift

Donate monthly and help fund hope all year long. 

Monthly donations matched* for a full-year. Give a gift in memory or in honour of a loved one and make twice the impact, all year long.

Make a lasting impact

An individuals hand is being embraced by the hands of another person

Donate in memory

Remember a loved one with a donation in their name. 

Elderly woman touching face of young female nurse

Donate in honour

Celebration a milestone with a donation in their honour. 

Tyler Cook, cancer survivor, wears a daffodil, a symbol of hope.
Cancer research gives me hope that my children won’t face the challenges I did.

– Tyler, living beyond cancer

Your matched donation will help fund: 

Microscope for life-saving research

Life-saving research


Better treatments


Nationwide support

Donations matched* until April 30.

Donate monthly and double your impact, all year long.

Donate monthly

[Cassidy London, a breast cancer survivor, sits in front of camera as she speaks.]

Words on screen: This Daffodil Month, Cassidy shares the importance of cancer research

Cassidy: My name is Cassidy London and I am a breast cancer survivor.

Words on screen: CASSIDY LONDON, Breast cancer survivor

Cassidy: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October of 2022. It was a huge shock. Things moved very quickly, though, as soon as I was diagnosed. And I soon went into treatments, medication, ultimately had several surgeries and radiation. And it pretty much took a year of my life. But fortunately, I was declared cancer-free just towards the end of 2023.

Cassidy: As a cancer survivor, I think that funding cancer research is absolutely crucial. As we fundraise, it helps the research to improve. More advancements are made and then better treatments are available for patients.

Cassidy: To me, hope means that we might have a future where people are not losing their loved ones to cancer, where children don't have to worry about losing a parent, or spouses don't have to worry about losing a partner.

Cassidy: When I hear that it takes a society to take on cancer, I really feel empowered.

Cassidy: It really does need a community to come together and to make a difference.

Cassidy: Your donation to the Canadian Cancer Society today is important because it helps so many people. Today it could be someone else who has cancer, but tomorrow it could be someone within your inner circle.

Cassidy: For cancer survivors like me, funding research means hope.

[Fade to solid black slate]

Words on screen: HELP HOPE BLOOM


[The Canadian Cancer Society logo and It takes a society wordmark appears on screen.]

*Undesignated donations matched up to a total of $170,000. Monthly research donations above $25 per month will be matched for an entire year, up to a total of $200,000.
Matching donations come from corporate, institutional and individual donors who agree to match donations to specific programs, in order to inspire others to give. Donors may also require CCS to raise matching funds as a condition of their support. In both cases, these matches allow for an even greater impact. For more information about matching, and our partners, please visit cancer.ca/matching. Your donation will support cancer research and compassionate support programs. In the event the donations raised exceed the total funding need, CCS will redirect funds to where needed the most.