Help create a future without prostate cancer

Join our campaign and advocate for expanding provincial coverage of the PSA test in Ontario and British Columbia.

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian men with 1 in 9 Canadian men expected to be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

Early detection of the disease is critically important. When prostate cancer is detected early, close to 100% of men will survive 5 years or more.

Support expanding coverage of the PSA test in BC and Ontario 

The PSA test is a commonly used blood test that looks for high levels of prostate-specific antigen or PSA, a protein made by prostate cells. A small amount of PSA in the blood is normal, but if PSA levels are elevated, a person will typically be sent for further testing to determine if they have prostate cancer or a health concern impacting their prostate.

Eight provinces and three territories cover the cost of the test by referral without requiring signs and symptoms, except Ontario and British Columbia.

Take action today and send a letter to your provincial representative

Let your MLA or MPP know about the critical role of PSA testing in prostate cancer early detection. In two clicks, you can send a letter to your provincial representative telling them about the importance of expanding coverage of the PSA test and removing barriers for asymptomatic individuals concerned about their health.